2021 Rule Change Proposals:
Current rule:
- CO-APPROVED RACES: 7.1 Co-Approved races must include an Open Class, $3500 Novice Class, $1000 Novice Class and 4D or 5D class with no more than 5 OBRA classes total. Classes must have at least two contestants to constitute a race to acquire OBRA points. There will be no Novice classes offered higher than the $3500 Novice at OBRA races. 7.2 Entry fees, race rules, payoffs, etc. will be according to the rules of the organization that is having the race. 7.3 In all Co-Approved races the $3.00 per run is to be collected for the OBRA in classes that are eligible for OBRA points and 4D $3.00 per run. 7.4 Age limited classes are excluded from the $3.00 per run and do not count for points, as they are not open to all members. 7.5 A copy of the co-approving organization rules must accompany the race approval form. A copy of the co-approving organization’s insurance policy, with OBRA named as additional insured, must be mailed or emailed to the President with the approval form before approval can take place. 7.6 The Race Secretary at the race is to get the completed race results with Open, Novice classes and 4D $3.00 per run monies and any other membership forms, fees or fines collected within 10 days, to the Secretary-Treasurer. The Race Secretary at the race will list all new nominations on race results sheets and email/mail completed race results of the Open, Novice classes and 4D to the Webmaster, Novice Chairman and Vice President within 72 hours of race. Entire race results are to be submitted. Entire means whole race results, not just a quick list of the top ten. This should also include times. THIS IS TO BE DONE WITHIN 72 HOURS OF THE RACE or a $25.00 fine will be incurred by the Race Secretary. Fine to be turned in with the race results. Noncompliance will result in further race approvals being at the discretion of the President. 7.7 It is to be stated on the OBRA website prior to the race if the jack potted monies are significantly lower than the standard OBRA jackpot minimums. 7.8 Organizations putting on a race cannot make a nominated novice horse stay in the class that they nominated for their series. Novice horses must move up to class according to lifetime winnings as stated in the rule book. 7.9 When offering Time Onlies prior to races, course must be remarked prior to scheduled classes.
- CO-SANCTION RACE: 8.1 Producers can elect to co-sanction an OBRA 4D/5D class. 8.2 Any monies won at a co-sanction race will not count towards OBRA monies won in OBRA Open, 3500, or 1000 class nominations, just points and OBRA monies won in 4D nominations. Monies won will count for lifetime earnings. 8.3 Members must pay an additional $3.00 to have their race count. 8.4 Co-sanction race producers can set own entry fee and rules. 8.5 OBRA money classes CANNOT be offered if 4D or 5D class is another Prime Association. Prime Association rules would have no rules regarding money classes. 8.6 Race Secretary at the race is to get the completed results with 4D results, $3.00 per run monies, and any other membership forms, fees or fines collected within 10 days to the Secretary-Treasurer. The race secretary will send all results, payouts and co-sanction list to Webmaster, Novice Chair, and Vice-President within 72 hours of race. A $25.00 fine will be incurred by race secretary if not done. Non-compliance will result in further race approvals being at the discretion of the president.
New Rule:
Omit co-approved races (rule 7) completely.
Add to rule 8 a: Producers can elect to co-sanction all OBRA classes, including 200/500 Novice, 1000 Novice, 3500 Novice, OBRA Open, 4D/5D.
Omit Rule 8 section e completely:
- OBRA money classes CANNOT be offered if 4D or 5D class is another Prime Association. Prime Association rules would have no rules regarding money classes.
Change rule 5 under “Barrel Race Approvals and Entry Fee Scale” to say: The State is divided into 3 areas; Area 1 (Oregon West), Area 2 (Oregon East) and Washington. Refer to the forward of rule book for breakdown of the areas by counties. No two races that are PRIME will be scheduled within 90 miles, on the same race day. No two races that are CO-SANCTION will be scheduled within 50 miles on the same race day. Scheduled dates will be on a first come first serve basis. Same-day mileage protection can be waived with approval from all race producers involved.
Change wording of 8.6 to: Race secretary at the race is to get completed results with 4D results, $3 per run monies paid by members wanting points, list of members who paid for points, membership forms, fees or fines collected within 10 days to the Secretary Treasurer. The race secretary will send all results, payouts and co-sanction list to Webmaster, Novice Chair, and Vice-President within 72 hours of race. A $25.00 fine will be incurred by race secretary if not done. Non-compliance will result in further race approvals being at the discretion of the president.
And update all other sections of rule book where it refers to co-approved/co-sanctioned races:
Barrel race approvals & entry fee scales
- No sanctioned rodeos will be co-approved.
- f. The additional $3.00 in the above entry fees include the $3.00 per run OBRA fee. OBRA $3.00 per run fee is to be collected in both prime, co-approved and co-sanctioned races. Race producers have the option to charge a producer fee of $10.00 for first horse and $5.00 for second horse, not to exceed $15.00 per day. No other fees will be allowed, ie, tractor, water truck, lights, fuel, etc
9 c. No booking of any other OBRA Prime, Co-Approved or Co-Sanctioned races on day of a fundraiser.
4D/5D Class
- 4D/5D race will be a standard OBRA class offered at both Prime and (add: Co-Sanctioned) Co-Approved Races. You must be an OBRA member to nominate to 4D class for year-end awards. 4D/5D races are open to any person. Only OBRA members in good standing who are Oregon or Washington residents will be eligible for 4D Awards at finals. Must have entered and competed in 8 races to compete at finals.
Special Awards
1 b. Director of the Year: Based on efforts put forth by an Officer in the interest of OBRA in assisting at OBRA races and co-approved races.
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Add New Rule in Bylaws (make new rule number 8, re-number current rules 8-11 to 9-12)
Any Member whose name changes during the OBRA year (or if the member starts entering races under a different name than what is on their nomination form) must notify OBRA within 30 days of name change. Otherwise, all points will be forfeited until OBRA is notified of name change and points will only be counted from that date forward.
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Current Rule
Novice Division, Rule 6
All Futurity and Derby earnings are counted in lifetime earnings for OBRA records. Division monies won in the Futurities will not count towards lifetime earnings. Any monies won in a competitive barrel race is to count toward lifetime earnings.
New Rule:
All Futurity and Derby earnings are counted in lifetime earnings for OBRA records. Any monies won in a competitive barrel race is to count toward lifetime earnings, including but not limited to: open divisional races, junior high/high school rodeos, open rodeos, futurities, derbies, previous OBRA novice class winnings.
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Current rule:
- Individuals have the option to “buy-in” to the finals by buying a membership and paying the nomination fee, along with a $50 buy- in fee (NOMINATION AND BUY-IN FEE PER HORSE), to be eligible to compete at the finals if the 8 race qualification cannot be met. *This buy-in option pertains ONLY TO THE 4D CLASS. Members with Nomination (did not make 8 races) $50; Member (without nomination or adding an extra horse) $75; Non-member $125.
New rule to read:
Finals Buy-IN Option
- Individuals not a current OBRA member have the option to buy-in to finals by buying a membership and paying the nomination fee, along with a buy-in fee (Nomination Fee and Buy-in Fee per horse) this buy in option pertains ONLY TO THE 4D/5D CLASS for $125.
- Members with nominations that did not make the 8 races to qualify can buy into the OBRA Open, 3500 novice, $1,000 novice and 4D/5D for $50.
Without nomination they can buy-in or add an extra horse to 4d/5D only (nomination and buy in fee per horse) for $75.
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Current Rule:
- Riders entering more than one horse in an OBRA approved 4D/5D race will get points on the horse, (horse number 1) that has the most points. If a contestant has paid a nomination on a second horse, (horse number 2) the horse with the lower points will go to the second nomination. It does not matter which horse the contestant rides. The points are awarded on the rider, not the horse. Average placings will be on horse/rider combo. Unless higher points cannot be applied to your 1st nomination, then they go to your second nomination. Example: If you have two nominations and your first nomination has met their 20 race limit and cannot replace points then those points will be applied to your second nomination. Horse #1 needs 1st to replace points. Contestant runs two horses and places 3rd and 4th. Then the 3rd place would be applied to horse #2 since the 3rd place cannot be applied to horse #1. In the case of a member having more than one 4D nomination, but only runs one horse at any race, any points obtained at that race can only be applied to horse #1 nomination
New Rule:
Riders entering more than one horse into the 4D/5D shall name and number their horses so points can be kept accurately on each horse. All points shall be kept on each horse respectively, with the same horse/ rider combo being required. It shall be the riders responsibility to keep the number with the horse for record keeping ease..#1/2/3 etc.
Should the horse be sold or loss of use due to injury, a $25 horse change shall be required and prior points will stay with the new horse rider combo.
I would like to propose 5D points be kept on each horse. The current rule does not reflect the actual talent of each animal, and favors those who ride multiple horses.
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Current Rule:
$1000 NOVICE: All rules for Novice Division apply, in addition to the following: a. Horses with lifetime earnings under $1000.00 at the time of nomination, may ONLY nominate in the $1000 Division. b. The $1000 Novice race is for horses that have not won more than $1,000.01 lifetime earnings in barrel racing. c. Each year a novice horse will start out with “0” points toward yearly standings, but once his total lifetime accumulations are over $1,000.00 he is no longer eligible to nominate for the $1000 novice class. Horses will remain in the nominated class for the year and for finals.
New Rule:
The final line of the current rule should read
Horses will remain in the nominated class until they reach the class maximum. Once the horse has achieved the maximum, horse must run in the next class up, but will still compete at year end finals in original class.
Horses should be moved up when they reach the class maximum earnings. This shall be the rule for the 3500 class as well. The classes should be used to move horses along in earnings. Making them stay in class does not allow that to happen as easily, keeping the slower horses down in the class and not allowing them to acquire earnings. The 1000 is the largest class due to being suppressed by the current rule, in my opinion.
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Current rule
Points will be awarded as follows :20 points for 1st place graduating down by 2 points per placing down to 10th place for 2 points. Points counting towards year-end standings must be acquired in OBRA approved classes by each nominated rider the best points from 20 races throughout the year to go towards finals. Finals points are to be added to their points for year-end awards
New rule
Points will be awarded as follows: 20 points for 1st place graduating down by 2 points per placing down to 10th place for 2 points. Points will be tabulated on OBRA Members only, in the event a OBRA class 4D, Open , 3500 or 1000 is won by a non member the next qualifying nominated member will receive the 1st place points all the way down to 10th place . Points counting towards year-end standings must be acquired in OBRA approved classes by each nominated rider the best points from 20 races throughout the year to go towards finals. Finals points are to be added to their points for year-end awards
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Current Rule:
The executive board will select a location and dates for finals 2 years in advance. Example: the board elected at the 2019 finals will reserve and book finals location for 2021. The board elected at the 2020 finals will reserve and book location for 2022, etc. The finals committee/chairman will still be in charge of all details of finals (schedule, fees, race secretary, banquet, etc)
New Rule:
Remove the rule that the executive board will pick the finals location for 2 years in advance.
The finals chair, elected at the annual board meeting, will search location for finals for their year serving.
They will need board approval with signed contract by November 15.
Reasoning: this gives the person elected/volunteering to host the finals the opportunity to pick a location that might better suit them. Location, venue and volunteers all play a part in the event. Things change and we have no way of knowing if a location selected 2 years prior is even going to be available. There could be new options.
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